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7 greatest female samurai warriors and characters in history




In ancient times there were many wars and menThe apex of each battle. However, some women took the course and fought some of these wars. They left their mark on history as they fought valiantly against their opponents. Some died in battle and some others survived their scars. We won’t be able to publish the full list of these female samurai warriors and characters in the story, but we’ve enlisted seven of them below.

Female samurai warriors in history


After the grief of her husband and stepson, both of whom were savagely murdered, Zenobia became the ruler of the Palmyrene Empire currently known as Syria. She waged war against the Roman Empire and expanded the cities as she took over Egypt from the Romans. She reigned over Egypt for a very long time and was later defeated and imprisoned by the Roman Emperor Aurelian.

Many scholars who wrote about her death had different views stating that she starved herself while others said she fell ill. Overall, there are no certain records that support the fate of the legendary samurai warrior.

She became an icon for the Syrian nationalist and her stories were told in an 1871 novel by Salim al-Bustani. Zenobia is a well-known figure throughout Syria and her images appear on her banknotes. She is one of the greatest female samurai warriors that ever lived.


You cannot make this list without naming ArtemisiaI of Caria. She was already 480 BC. A Greek queen. This queen was also a warrior who fought in the troops of the then king of Persia. Xerxes I. She ruled over five ships at the Battle of Artemisium and the Battle of Salamis in 480 BC.

History documented that she had defeated the Salamis and the Artemisium. She fell in love with a man named Dardanus, who never paid any attention to her, and Artemisia blinded him in his sleep to improve himself. But then it didn’t heal her passion for him. Instead, she loved him more. To overcome passion, the brave queen jumped down from the rock of Leucas and fell to her death.

After that, she was named after several ships. Their stories were portrayed in the 1962 film entitled The 300 Spartans and in the film 300: Rise of an Empire.


You can’t miss Japanese history. She mentioned Nakano Takeko and she was a brave samurai warrior who was skilled in martial arts. She was born in April 1847 and fought valiantly in the Boshin War. Although she died on October 16, 1868, her deeds can never be forgotten.

A special quality of this samurai warrior was how she refused to take part in the war, this was a milestone for her to be counted as one of the greatest female samurai warriors of all time. She formed her own group of women and led them onto the battlefield with her naginata – a Japanese polearm. Nakano Takeko was shot in the chest by the Imperial Japanese Army of the Ogaki Domain. She was later butchered and buried by her team, which was her last wish.

A monument was erected in honor of the brave warrior and to this day young ladies come to pay homage to her and her army of women every Aizu Autumn Festival.


Queen Boudicca embarked on the path of a warrior after the death of her husband. She was married to the king of the Celtic tribe Iceni. After the death of her husband, she and her daughters were abused and raped by the Roman soldiers. The samurai warrior couldn’t take it anymore and formed an army with the goal to defeat the soldiers and send them from their land.

Gathering over 100,000 soldiers, she fought fiercely and threw down the cities of Londinium and Verulamium. Unfortunately, she lost to the Romans and lost her life as well.

Boudicca and her daughters are still rememberedTo this day, a statue of the brave queen in her chariot was cast in bronze and currently stands on Victoria Embankment near Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parliament.


Grace O’Malley is an Irish pirate queen popularly known as Gráinne Mhaol, meaning teenage rebellion. She went for a close shave after her mother refused to join her father’s team at sea because of her long hair. After the death of her father, the samurai warrior fought bravely and died in Rock Fleet Castle in 1603. She was buried in the Cistercian Abbey on Clare Island.


Joan of Arc is a religious virgin who takes the road to being a fighter after seeing visions of Archangel Michael. She approached the French King Charles VII’s military and asked him to be his assistant during the Lancastrian phase of the Hundred Years’ War.

She was initially mocked at her request but earned everyone’s respect after her influence ended the Siege of Orleans in nine days. At the tender age of 17, Joan raised an army and is said to have fought skillfully and valiantly. She was later captured in 1430 and tried by the English for heresy and cross-dressing. She was found guilty and burned alive on a stake.

Catholics revisited Joan’s trial for heresy exactly 25 years after she was convicted, killed, and had the charges overturned. As a result, Pope Benedict XV declared Saint them as Catholics have seen it to this day.


One of the seven greatest female samurai warriors is Trieu Thi Trinh, her story is almost the same as that of Joan Arc, the samurai warrior is said to be the Vietnamese version of Joan of Arc. She is a French heroine who existed over 100 years ago and a young woman who raised a thousand armies against Chinese forces by the age of 20. She was said to have been 9 feet tall and had breasts 3 feet long.

Lady Trinh was challenged by her brothers but that didn’t stop her, the firefighter continued to wage wars dressed in a yellow robe and armed with two swords while riding an elephant. She lost the war against the Chinese and later committed suicide at the age of 23.

Recently, Lady Trinh has been hailed as a heroine and named after many streets in Vietnamese cities.
