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Career, biography and origin of David H Koch




When was the celebrity David H Koch born ?

Celebrity David H. Koch’s date of birth is May 3, 1940.

Learn more about David H Koch

What is the origin of the personality David H Koch?

David H. Koch rose to fame due to his career as an American businessman, philanthropist, and political figure. Born May 3, 1940, in Wichita, Kansas, Koch was one of the sons of Fred C. Koch, founder of Koch Industries, a diversified multinational conglomerate. 

As vice president of Koch Industries, David H. Koch was involved in managing the family business, which grew into one of the world’s largest privately held companies specializing in the energy, chemicals and manufactured products. Outside of his professional activities, Koch has also distinguished himself through his conservative activism and philanthropy. He has supported numerous political groups and causes, including as a co-founder of the political organization Americans for Prosperity. David H. Koch died on August 23, 2019, leaving behind a legacy as a business mogul and influential figure in American politics.

Biography and career of David H Koch

David H. Koch was an American businessman, philanthropist, and political figure, born May 3, 1940 in Wichita, Kansas, and died August 23, 2019. He was one of the two Koch brothers, owners of the famous Koch Company Industries, one of the largest privately held companies in the United States. Considered one of the richest people in the world, David H. Koch was renowned for his influence in politics and philanthropy. Politically engaged, Koch was a strong supporter of libertarianism and financed numerous conservative campaigns in the United States. 

He was also a strong supporter of the Tea Party movement and invested heavily in political organizations and think tanks promoting libertarian ideals. Its political influence has sparked heated controversy and criticism, particularly regarding its influence on environmental policies and the regulation of industries. As a philanthropist, David H. Koch was also very involved in many causes, including medicine and education. He has generously supported medical research projects and donated significant sums to various prestigious institutions such as the New York Ballet, Cornell Medicine, and the Smithsonian Institution. David H. Koch leaves behind a complex legacy, marked by his business success, controversial political influence, and significant philanthropic contributions. His life and impact will continue to be discussed and analyzed for years to come.

Genealogical research concerning the public figure David H Koch

David H. Koch, an American celebrity, was one of the sons of Mary Robinson Koch and Fred C. Koch. He was born May 3, 1940 in Wichita, Kansas. The Koch family is known to be a wealthy and influential family in the business world. David’s father, Fred C. Koch, was a petroleum entrepreneur and engineer who started the company Koch Industries. David had two brothers, Charles and Frederick, and a sister, Julia. He was also the half-brother of David Koch, another influential entrepreneur and philanthropist.

 The Koch family was heavily involved in the affairs of the family business. David Koch joined Koch Industries in 1970, and along with his brother Charles, played a major role in the development and expansion of the company, transforming it into one of the largest privately held companies in the United States. Aside from their involvement in business, David and Charles were also known for their active participation in American politics, primarily supporting the conservative and libertarian worlds. David H. Koch passed away on August 23, 2019 at the age of 79 in Southampton, New York. His contributions to the fields of business, philanthropy and politics have left an indelible mark, making him one of the most influential figures of his generation.
