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Career, biography and origin of Emmanuel Ratier




What is the date of birth of the celebrity Emmanuel Ratier ?

The date of birth of the celebrity Emmanuel Ratier is April 24, 1957.

Find out more about the personality of Emmanuel Ratier

What is the origin of the personality Emmanuel Ratier?

Emmanuel Ratier (1957-2015) became famous in France because of his commitment and his work in the field of historical research and journalistic investigation. Before becoming an influential figure, Ratier began his career as a far-right political activist, notably within the Parti des forces nouvelles, but he moved away from this to devote himself to the careful study of various controversial subjects and the publication of its findings. 

He became known thanks to the creation of the magazine Faits & Documents in 1995, which quickly established itself as a reference for dissident information and alternative political analyses. Ratier has also written several well-documented works on themes such as the secret networks of power, the media-political spheres and the influence of lobbies on political decisions. His rigorous approach and daring investigations have earned him a reputation as an independent and controversial researcher, making him an emblematic figure of investigative journalism in France.

Biography and career of Emmanuel Ratier

Emmanuel Ratier was a French writer and journalist, known for his in-depth research work in the field of political investigation. Born on June 6, 1957 in Paris, Ratier began his career as a journalist at the daily “National Hebdo” in the 1980s, where he mainly covered issues related to the French far right. His rigorous work and insight quickly made him recognized as an expert in his field. However, Ratier was not only a journalist, but also a prolific author. 

He has written numerous works on controversial subjects such as the occult world, Freemasonry, conspiracy and media disinformation. His extensive research and clear, concise writing style have made him a reference for many readers seeking truth and verified information. Unfortunately, Emmanuel Ratier left us prematurely on August 22, 2015 at the age of 58, leaving behind a legacy of valuable work for those seeking to understand the political and media issues of our time. His contribution to the investigative press and his courage in tackling sensitive subjects remain indelible marks of his commitment to truth and freedom of expression.

Genealogical research concerning the public figure Emmanuel Ratier

Emmanuel Ratier, famous French writer and journalist, was born on December 11, 1957 in Melun. His genealogy goes back several generations, in a family that has marked the history of France. In the 19th century, his paternal ancestors were modest farmers in Picardy, but their ambition and determination led them to settle in Paris where they found better economic opportunities. His great-grandfather, Jules Ratier, was a successful businessman in the textile industry and managed to create his own company, which became a reference in the sector. 

His mother’s family, on the other hand, is originally from Normandy and has a lineage of soldiers who served in the French army. His maternal grandfather, Jean-Pierre Dubois, fought valiantly in World War II and received numerous awards for his bravery. Emmanuel Ratier, heir to this dual lineage, devoted his life to research and writing, becoming a renowned expert in analyzing the ramifications of power and networks of influence in France. His work on secret societies, political movements and financial circles has earned him international recognition. Sadly, he died prematurely on August 22, 2015, leaving behind a valuable legacy for those seeking to understand the underbelly of power.
