Career, biography and origin of Francois Ruffin National Assembly
What is the date of birth of the celebrity Francois Ruffin National Assembly ?
The date of birth of François Ruffin, member of the French National Assembly and famous French journalist and director, is October 20, 1975.
Find out more about the personality Francois Ruffin National Assembly
What is the origin of the personality Francois Ruffin National Assembly
François Ruffin is a French politician and journalist born October 17, 1975 in Calais. He is best known for his commitment to social movements and the working classes. His celebrity gained an important place in France following the release of the documentary film “Merci Patron!” in 2016. As director of this film, Ruffin denounces the abusive practices of large companies, in particular that of LVMH which dismissed workers from the Guitry factory with derisory compensation.
The film was a great success and received critical acclaim. Ruffin then received public support and became an emblematic figure in the fight against economic and social inequalities. His career as a deputy in the National Assembly, where he was elected in 2017 under the label of La France insoumise, further increases his notoriety and allows him to continue his fight for more social justice.
Biography and career of Francois Ruffin National Assembly
François Ruffin is a French public figure known in particular as a deputy in the National Assembly. Born October 17, 1975 in Calais, Ruffin graduated from the Institute of Political Studies in Paris and the École supérieure de journalism in Lille. Journalist and director, he stood out in 2016 with the release of his documentary “Merci Patron!”, in which he denounces the social and economic practices of large companies in France. This success earned him the opportunity to be elected deputy for the first constituency of the Somme in 2017, under the colors of La France insoumise. In the National Assembly, François Ruffin displays a political position committed to the working classes and workers.
As a parliamentarian, he is particularly interested in social, economic and environmental issues, and does not hesitate to challenge the government on these subjects. Very active and close to the activist scene, he actively participates in social movements and regularly demonstrates alongside unions and associations. Known for his tenacity and determination, François Ruffin embodies a dissident and critical voice in the face of neoliberal policies. He never fails to spark debate by bringing loud and clear the demands of the most deprived into the political arena. His passion for journalism and his unwavering commitment to social justice make him a celebrity who inspires and mobilizes many citizens.
Genealogical research concerning the public figure Francois Ruffin National Assembly
François Ruffin, born October 17, 1975 in Calais, is a French journalist, director and politician. Concerning his genealogy, François Ruffin is the son of Bernard Ruffin and Marie-Thérèse Dupetit. His father is a philosophy teacher and his mother is an economics professor. François Ruffin also has a brother, named Jean-Baptiste. On his paternal side, we go back to his grandparents, Simone and Jean Ruffin, originally from the North of France. His grandfather Jean was employed in a textile factory, while his grandmother Simone was a housewife.
On his mother’s side of the family, we find his grandparents, Hélène and Charles Dupetit, originally from Calais. Charles Dupetit was a building engineer and his wife Hélène was a seamstress. François Ruffin married Alice Grémillet, with whom he has three children. His political commitment led him to become a deputy for the 1st constituency of the Somme in the National Assembly, representing rebellious France. Beyond his political career, François Ruffin is also known for his role as founder and director of the newspaper Fakir, as well as for his committed documentary, “Merci Patron!”.