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Career, biography and origin of Fred Bianconi




When was celebrity fred bianconi born ?

Celebrity Fred Bianconi’s date of birth is December 31, 1959.

Learn more about Fred Bianconi

What is the origin of the personality fred bianconi

Fred Bianconi is a French actor of Italian origin who gained immense fame thanks to his role in the hit series “Engrenages”. Born on December 27, 1957 in Paris, he decided very early to devote himself to acting and joined the Florent course to perfect his acting. His career began in the 1980s, where he played small roles in theater and on television. . 

However, it was in 2005 that he truly became known by playing the character of François Roban, an honest investigating judge, in the police series “Engrenages”. His masterful interpretation earned him unanimous recognition from critics and the public. Over the seasons, Fred Bianconi manages to give a fascinating depth and complexity to his character, which strengthens his popularity and makes him one of the most popular celebrities on the French small screen.

Biography and career of fred bianconi

Fred Bianconi is a French actor who has charmed the public with his versatility and undeniable talent. Born July 18, 1957 in Nîmes, he began his career in the 1980s by starring in numerous TV films and television series, gradually making a name for himself in the French cinema world. But it was his iconic role in the hit series “Engrenages” that really propelled his notoriety. Playing the character of Inspector François Roban, he was able to captivate the audience with his presence on screen and his nuanced acting. This performance earned him several prestigious nominations and awards, making him one of the most respected actors of his generation. 

Fred Bianconi is also a man with undeniable charisma and a devastating smile. His determination and passion for his profession shines through each of his roles. In addition to his acting career, he is also involved in charitable associations and is actively involved in the fight against precariousness. With his undisputed talent and his magnetic aura, Fred Bianconi is one of the emblematic figures of the French audiovisual landscape. He continues to enchant audiences with his presence on screens and remains a source of inspiration for many young actors.

Genealogical research concerning the public figure Fred Bianconi

Fred Bianconi was born on August 16, 1954 in Paris, France. He is the son of Paul Bianconi, a renowned lawyer, and Marie Bianconi, a talented pianist. Fred grew up in an artistic environment, with very encouraging parents. Additionally, he has two older sisters, Sophie and Claire Bianconi, who are both professional dancers. Fred’s passion for the world of entertainment began at a very young age. He followed in his sisters’ footsteps and began studying classical dance at the age of seven. He quickly acquired exceptional skills, particularly in contemporary ballet.

 However, as a teenager, Fred discovered his true love for acting and decided to pursue a career in acting. After finishing high school, Fred was accepted into the most prestigious theater school in Paris, where he honed his acting skills. He then began performing on stage in several popular plays, quickly becoming noted by critics for his exceptional talent. In 1982, Fred made his film debut in a supporting role which earned him widespread praise. 

Since then, he has worked with some of France’s most talented directors and starred in several successful films. However, it was in 2005 that Fred truly rose to fame with his starring role in the hit TV series “Engrenages”, where he played the character of police captain Vincent Revel. Fred Bianconi has since won numerous awards for his remarkable performance and continues to be a central figure in the French art scene.

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