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Career, biography and origin of Jacqueline Delubac




When was the celebrity Jacqueline Delubac born ?

The date of birth of the famous Jacqueline Delubac is February 27, 1907.

Learn more about the personality of Jacqueline Delubac

What is the origin of the personality Jacqueline Delubac?

Jacqueline Delubac was a famous French actress whose origins of fame can be traced back to her early days in the film industry. Born on June 27, 1907 in Nice, she followed her passion for dramatic art and was quickly noticed for her exceptional talent. She got her start in theater before turning to cinema in the 1930s. Her natural charm, expressive face and elegance quickly attracted the attention of directors and audiences.

Jacqueline Delubac became an icon of French cinema, unforgettable thanks to her roles in films such as “Les Amoureux” (1948) and “Le Blé en Herbe” (1954). Her undeniable talent and charisma have made her an actress sought after and recognized by her peers. His cinematic legacy continues today, testifying to his determining role in the history of French cinema.

Biography and career of Jacqueline Delubac

Jacqueline Delubac, the illustrious icon of French cinema of the 1930s and 1940s, embodies the quintessence of elegance and charm. Born on April 27, 1907 in Lyon, her radiant beauty, her dazzling personality and her undeniable talent propelled her to the height of her career. His filmography seduces with its diversity, ranging from light comedies to intense dramas, including captivating adventure films.

Among his most notable masterpieces are “La Grande Illusion” directed by Jean Renoir and “Lumière d’été” directed by Jean Grémillon. With her glamorous style and innate charisma, Delubac became a beloved fashion icon in the 1930s, influencing the clothing trends of the time. She was also a central figure in Parisian artistic circles, rubbing shoulders with renowned artists and intellectuals such as Colette, Jean Cocteau and Pablo Picasso. Even after a long cinematic career, Jacqueline Delubac remained a woman of infinite grace and enviable class, leaving an indelible legacy in the world of cinema and fashion.

Genealogical research concerning the public figure Jacqueline Delubac

Jacqueline Delubac, famous French actress, was born on August 27, 1907 in Nice. Its ancestry goes back several generations. His parents, André Delubac and Madeleine Duval, were both from bourgeois families on the Côte d’Azur. André was a successful businessman, while Madeleine was a devoted housewife. Jacqueline’s maternal grandparents were Albert Duval, a local notable, and Jeanne Lambert, from a family of artists. Albert Duval was a renowned art dealer, while Jeanne Lambert was a talented opera singer.

The influence of the stage and the arts was therefore already present in the family. On her father’s side, Jacqueline’s grandparents were Charles Delubac, a renowned lawyer, and Marie Lefort, a woman active in cultural life. Charles was a man of integrity and principle, while Marie was passionate about the theater. They passed on their love of knowledge and culture to their son, André, who in turn encouraged Jacqueline’s artistic passion.

Beyond grandparents, Jacqueline Delubac’s genealogy is also rich in influential great-grandparents. Names such as Félix Duval, famous 19th century painter, and Louis Lambert, renowned composer, appear, testifying to the artistic and creative heritage in the family. Thus, the genealogy of Jacqueline Delubac reveals a lineage of artists, intellectuals and patrons, all of whom contributed to her training and development as a renowned actress.

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