Career, biography and origin of Jean Louis Bourlanges National Assembly
What is the date of birth of the famous Jean Louis Bourlanges National Assembly ?
The date of birth of Jean-Louis Bourlanges, member of the National Assembly in France, is January 6, 1946.
Find out more about the personality Jean Louis Bourlanges National Assembly
What is the origin of the personality Jean Louis Bourlanges National Assembly
Jean-Louis Bourlanges is a French politician who gained some fame as a deputy in the National Assembly. Born on January 14, 1946 in Nevers, Bourlanges was first elected in 1988 and served in Parliament until 2007. His fame stems largely from his active participation in political life in France, but also from his ability to stand out for his clear and precise speech. Known for his moderate temperament and his centrist positions, he is also recognized for his expertise in European policies.
Bourlanges thus played a major role in the debates around European integration and held various positions in European institutions. Thanks to his experience and his commitment, Jean-Louis Bourlanges has become an important figure in French politics and an ardent defender of the European Union.
Biography and career of Jean Louis Bourlanges National Assembly
Jean-Louis Bourlanges is a French political figure, recognized for his skills in the field of diplomacy and European affairs. Born June 5, 1946 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, he graduated from Sciences Po Paris and the National School of Administration (ENA). Member of the Modem party, Jean-Louis Bourlanges had a brilliant political career within the National Assembly. During his career, Jean-Louis Bourlanges distinguished himself as a deputy for the 13th constituency of Hauts-de-Seine from 1986 to 2007.
His expertise in European affairs also led him to sit in the European Parliament of 2009 to 2019. Strongly committed to the defense of Europe, he was notably a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and the European Affairs Committee at the National Assembly. Jean-Louis Bourlanges is recognized for his great intellectual rigor and his political commitment. He is the author of several works on the issues of European construction and has participated in numerous debates and conferences on the issue. His hard work and innovative vision have earned him the respect and admiration of his peers. Today, Jean-Louis Bourlanges continues to contribute to public debate as a teacher and speaker. His experience and skills make him an essential personality for understanding the issues facing Europe and international politics.
Genealogical research concerning the public figure Jean Louis Bourlanges National Assembly
Jean-Louis Bourlanges, born July 8, 1946 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, is a French politician and writer. He is known for his political career in the French National Assembly. In terms of his genealogy, Jean-Louis Bourlanges is the son of Michèle Portal, a French writer, and Louis Bourlanges, a lawyer specializing in international law. Louis is the son of Paul Bourlanges, a renowned jurist and university professor, and Marie-Jeanne de La Porte. Marie-Jeanne is the daughter of Charles de La Porte, count and former deputy.
On his mother’s side, Michèle Portal, Jean-Louis is the grandson of Étienne Portal, a French poet and writer. The family origins of Jean-Louis Bourlanges also go back to Edouard Bourges, his great-grandfather, who was a lawyer and mayor of Angoulême. Edouard was the husband of Léonie de Geouffre de La Pradelle. Thus, we can see that Jean-Louis Bourlanges comes from a family involved in public affairs, letters and law. This genealogy also illustrates the influence of education, culture and political commitment which marked his professional and intellectual career.