Douglas Booth Biography
Professions Actor , Screenwriter
Birth name Douglas John Booth
British nationality
Birth July 9, 1992 (London – Great Britain)
Born Douglas John Bouth, he is the son of the painter Vivien and the financial consultant Simon Booth.
Before entering the cinema, Douglas Bouth learned the trumpet at the Solefield School, located in the South of England, then joined the Bennett Memorial Diocesan School in the East of the country.
He took his first steps in the cinema at the age of 14, joining the cast of the fantasy film “Hunters of the Kahri”, where he played one of the two main roles. Three years later, he starred in The Secret of Green Knowe , a ghost story, while becoming, the same year, the face of the English luxury brand Burberry, alongside Emma Watson .
This was followed by a timid breakthrough on television, in the TV films “Karma Caméléon” (2010) and Christopher and Heinz (2011), or the mini-series The Pillars of the Earth (2010) and Great Expectations (2011).
His career took a leap forward when in 2012 he landed the role of Kyle, a musician in secret love with his best friend Lola ( Miley Cyrus ) in LOL USA , the American version of Lol , already directed by Lisa Azuelos . From the insecure teenager, he moved the following year to the Shakespearean figure Romeo, in a new version of Romeo and Juliet .
In 2014, he moved up the ranks and found his partner on the podium, Emma Watson , in Darren Aronofsky ‘s new production , the apocalyptic peplum Noé . He plays Shem, the son of Noah, played on screen by the massive Russell Crowe .