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Fabian Corres Biography





Fabián Corres began his career as a soap opera actor in the early 2000s, having success with Chiquititas (1998), Cara o cruz (2001) and Por ti (2002). In 2009 he began his path as a director, first on television, participating in the TvAzteca soap operas Pobre diabla (2009) and Vivir a destiempo (2013) and Así en el barrio como en el cielo (2015), to name a few. In 2018 he joined the role of El Tablas in the fifth season of the popular Telemundo series Señora Acero . On the big screen, Fabián Corres participated in popular Mexican films such as the romantic comedy Ladie’s Night (2003) by Gabriela Tagliavini. In 2020 he returned to cinema, after 12 years, under the direction of Rodrigo Ruiz Patterson in the drama film Summer White , where the life of a lonely teenager is altered when her mother brings home her new boyfriend. her to live with them.

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