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SevenSuperGirls – Facts, Who Are The Members, Why Was He Arrested?




Internet celebrity status, fame and massive online followings are just one of the perks of being a successful social media star. However, the extent of the success achieved could make the fall all the more difficult and painful when it does occur. Such is the story of SevenSuperGirls (SSG), which was one of the most popular tween channels on YouTube until the scandal that spawned it and the entire parent network went under.

Even after the network disappeared, people were talking about it because it was such a big deal. It was the biggest favorite channel for teenage and teenage girls looking for everything from entertainment to inspiration. Here’s everything we could find out about the SevenSuperGirls, its members, the Parent Network, and their current situation.

Who are the members of SevenSuperGirls?

The SevenSuperGirls channel’s roster has gone through changes throughout its existence, with girls being transferred to other channels or leaving the network and being replaced due to the age limit or other personal reasons. The members are:

Kaelyn Wilkins

One of the oldest members of the channel, she currently runs two personal channels, one for gaming and the other for vlogging.

Jazzy Anne

She had one of the most popular SSG videos of 2015, but left the network in mid-2017 and currently runs her own self-titled Youtube channel.

Ellie Louise

She joined the SevenAwesomeKids network in 2014 and was part of two of their channels before joining SSG in 2017, filling the Sunday slot. Currently, she runs a channel oriented beauty, fitness and gymnastics.

Jenna Arend

Was one of SSG’s stars during his time there. She joined the team in June 2011, months after her 11th birthday. She is currently known as Cupcake Cutie 170.

Emily Jade

The Brit was once part of the SevenPerfectAngels and SevenSuperGirls channels. Currently running a makeup and hair tutorial channel.

Katherine SSG

Failed his first audition to join the SAK network. Eventually, she joined SevenFuntasticGirls before her stint on SSG. She left the network in May 2017.

Rachael SSG

The Brit is the younger sister of Katherine SSG. She auditioned with her sister for the first time but did not enter. She eventually joined SSG and left with her sister in 2017.

Mimi Drabik

Her real name is Megan. She joined SSG in 2015 after previously being on the SevenPerfectAngels roster.

Nicole Luellen

Prior to SSG, she was on SevenPerfectAngels and SevenCoolTweens. She goes by the nickname Purplecupcake031 on her personal channel.

Oceane Marie

She was born and raised in Canada. She became one of the first to leave the network when she left SSG in 2014 to start her own comedy and fashion vlog.

Alexis Smith

Joined the network from the SevenAwesomeKids channel in April 2015. She transferred to SevenSuperGirls in August 2017. She now runs her own channel with her younger sister.

Ella SevenAwesomeKids

Joined SSG from SAK in August 2017 at the age of ten. She was a member until her termination in 2019.

Kayla TheSkype111

She became a member of the network when she joined SevenCoolTweens before transferring to SSG. She filled the Saturday spot before quitting to run her own channel.

Caitlin Jane Kiffiemy

She was born and raised in Australia. Led his own channel and simultaneously took the place of SSG on Tuesday. Left the network in 2014 after passing the group’s under-16 age limit.

Why was he arrested?

There were a lot of red flags about the network’s structure, how it’s managed, and whether its content is appropriate and safe for children’s consumption. However, most of the problem stemmed from the fact that the entire SevenSuperGirls ship was essentially run by one man – Ian Rylett.

Some parents of the girls were uncomfortable with the fact that Ian, a relatively elderly man, was the one running the show, came up with video themes for the girls to explore, and was generally always around them. He was the reason a lot of girls left the network because they felt uncomfortable around him and the whole arrangement.

It all came to a head when Rylett was arrested in Florida on lewd and lascivious assault charges. On August 16, one of the GSU girls accused Ian of fondling her breasts and trying to forcibly remove her underwear. As reports went, Ian was trying to get her ready for a video shoot when he ordered her to take off her shirt and practice wrapping her breasts so they could look smaller. She initially refused to do so in his presence but eventually gave in to his request.

After removing her shirt, Rylett ordered her to remove her bra as well, a request she did not comply with. He continued to force-wrap her himself, stroking her repeatedly in the process and threatening her with his SSG contract.

Ian Rylett initially pleaded not guilty on August 22, 2018, but eventually agreed to a plea deal when he realized a trial could hand him a 15-year sentence for child molestation. He was sentenced to 90 days in Orange County Jail in Florida and a further 5-year probation during which he must have no contact with minors except his daughter.

During his arrest, YouTube demonetized all videos on all SAK channels. After being found guilty and sentenced, Youtube removed all content from the entire SAK network, including that of SevenSuperGirls on March 12, 2019. Facebook also removed all Instagram accounts from the network’s channels.

Facts About SevenSuperGirls

1. The channel was shut down in March 2019

The channel was a massive affair until its end in March 2019. It is the flagship channel of the collaborative network known as SevenAwesomeKids (SAK), which was founded in 2008. The network, at different times, was consisting of six to nine channels, but remained at seven channels for the longest period of time. It was the largest collaborative channel ever created on Youtube.

2. Each channel member received a monthly salary

Each network channel, including SSG, consists of eight girls aged 8 to 16. Each girl was assigned a day of the week on which to create and submit videos to upload to their respective channels. The network was structured such that it paid each girl a monthly salary for her troubles.

3. SevenSuperGirls was the most popular SAK channel

The SevenAwesomeKids network was established in 2008 and until the ensuing scandal, it had around 20 million subscribers and billions of views across all channels. It is the flagship channel of SevenSuperGirls, which has around 9 million subscribers and around 5 billion views. The channel was launched on November 27, 2008 and uploaded its first video three days later on November 30, 2018. The last video that was uploaded before it ended was on August 14, 2018.
