Renowned comedian, Ali Baba has shared his encounter with former military leader, Gen Sani Abacha. He explained that the encounter was a “near-death experience.” Ali Baba...
A former Deputy National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Bode George, has claimed that the National Leader of the APC, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, begged...
The more than $267m (£210m), seized from a Jersey bank account belonging to former Nigerian dictator, General Sani Abacha is to be shared between Nigeria, Jersey...
The World Bank has said it would provide a more comprehensive response on how the fund looted by the late despotic Nigeria leader Sani Abacha was...
The alleged threat by some individuals to overthrow President Muhammadu Buhari through a Coup has been found to be invalid and untrue. This is as Premium...
President Muhammadu Buhari’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, has stated that his principal defeated what it termed “principalities and powers” by emerging victorious...
Major Hamza Al-Mustapha, a key personality during the Abacha military junta in Nigeria. In a recent interview spoke on the death of late Chief MKO Abiola...