Renowned movie director and patron of the Directors Guild of Nigeria (DGN), Andy Boyo, has shared how he was expelled from school because of the legendary...
Nigerian comedian, Koffi Idowu Nuel, better known as Koffi, has claimed that singer, Augustine Miles Kelechi Okechukwu, also known as Tekno, created afro beats. During a...
Nigerian singer, David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido, has revealed that the late legendary musician, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, is the real originator of Afrobeat. Davido, during...
American television host, producer, actor, and comedian, Broderick Stephen Harvey Sr popularly known as Steve Harvey, has said that Americans has stolen from Burna Boy and...
In the music industry today, there are different artistes doing different things, having different sounds. The diversity is one of the reasons why the music industry...
Popular artiste, Oluwafemi Oko-Eko, popularly known as Slimcase, has taken to social media to speak of the difficulty most Nigerian artists go through on their journey...
Born 1995 Nigerian singer, Temilade Openiyi, known professionally as Tems has shared her ‘prison’ experience. Recounting her past experiences in a post on social media, the...
A man who has been described as the ‘greatest drummer ever lived’, a topman in the late Afrobeat legend, Fela Anikulapo Kuti’s band, Tony Allen is...
Lagos State government has announced plans to unveil on Sunday, the statue erected in honour of late Afrobeat legend, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti. The erection of Fela’s statue,...