The Rivers State Police Command has announced the recovery of the skull of the late former Divisional Police Officer of Ahoada Police Division, Bako Angbashim. The...
The Rivers State Police Command has retrieved the body of Gift Okpara, also known as 2Baba, the notorious cultist and primary suspect in the killing of...
The police in Rivers State have arrested one of the suspects linked to the murder of the slain DPO, Mr Bako Angbashim. Naija News recounts that...
A member of the Iceland Cult gang, headed by Gift David Okpara Okpolowu (a.k.a. 2-Baba), who allegedly brutally murdered a Divisional Police Officer, (DPO), Bako Angbashim...
The Rivers State Police Command, on Wednesday, officially declared the killer of one of its Divisional Police Officers in Ahoada Division, SP Bako Angbashim, wanted. The...
The Rivers State Commissioner of Police, Emeka Nwonyi, has revealed how the late Divisional Police Officer of Ahoada, Bako Angbashim, was deceived by the cultist group...
A photograph of the leader of the Iceland Cult gang, Gift David Okpara Okpolowu (a.k.a. 2-Baba), who allegedly brutally murdered a Divisional Police Officer, (DPO), Bako...