A documentary by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which is set to be released today, has revealed alleged atrocities and sexual crimes committed by the late...
Renowned journalist, Kadaria Ahmed, has admonished President Muhammadu Buhari to take some rest while he allows someone else to address the security threat being faced in...
The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has sacked two lecturers caught soliciting sex from students in exchange for grades in a 2019 investigation by the BBC. Naija...
The Nigeria Police Force has been alerted of threat to life on BBC African Eye reporter by supporters of Ahmed Isah, the founder and host of...
First Lady, Aisha Buhari, has stated that the issue of sexual harassment against women was not unique to universities. Naija News reports that Dr Boniface Igbeneghu, who...
Naija News has obtained the full video of BBC Africa Eye’s documentary targeted at exposing lecturers in some West African universities harassing their students for sex...