Armed Bandits Sack Kaduna Village Residents of Kuriga village in Chikun local government area of Kaduna State where forced to abandon their homes and belongings as...
Security Situation Worsens In Birnin Gwari Chaos broke out in Kakangi village, South-West of Birnin-Gwari when armed bandits struck in broad daylight, burning houses and leaving...
On Friday evening around 6.25pm, armed bandits along Birnin-Gwari-Kaduna road were kidnapped TEN people at Kuriga. After about 22 people were kidnapped including a nursing mother at...
Not less than 25 persons have been reportedly kidnapped along the Birnin Gwari-Funtua road in Kaduna State, Naija News Understands According to sources, the kidnappers struck...
Residents Retrieve 10 Bodies In Tuesday’s Birnin Gwari, Kaduna Attack Ten bodies have been confirmed dead in a recent attack by armed bandits on four villages...
No fewer than 18 suspected bandits have been killed and 56 others arrested by the Kaduna State Police in a clearance Operation. The suspects are alleged...