Popular Bollywood actor, Siddharth Shukla has died in Mumbai. Naija News learn that the reality star died in the early hour of Thursday, September 2. Shukla...
Bollywood actor, Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia, popularly known by his screen name as Akshay Kumar, has revealed that he drinks cow urine every day believing that...
According to the report, the 36-year-old actor whose body was found hanged in his apartment in Mumbai’s Bandra city on Sunday, June 15, 2020, looked happy...
Renowned Indian actor who featured in the popular action movie series ‘Prison Break’ and ‘The Office’, Ranjit Chowdhry, has reportedly died. Naija News learnt that the...
Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan says he is suffering from a rare disease and is fighting for choices. Last month, the film-maker Vishal Bhardwaj had announced that...