Just like it was reported of late Genius Kadungure of Zimbabwe better known as Ginimbi, a renowned Kenyan musician, Philip Ptaroba Okoyo, has reportedly purchased his...
Two weeks after the death of Genius Kadungure, a Zimbabwean billionaire businessman better known as Ginimbi, another revelation has been unfolded about his lifestyle before death...
Shaleen Nullens, manager to late Zimbabwean billionaire businessman, Genius Ginimbi, has revealed that there was something so special about her late boss even though his employees...
A few days after the death of Zimbabwean affluent man popularly known as Ginimbi, driver of the Honda Fit that collided with his car in the...
Juliet Kadungure, the sister of Zimbabwean billionaire Genius Kadungare, popularly known as Ginimbi has disclosed the instructions left behind by her brother on how he wants...
Friends of Zimbabwean billionaire Genius Kadungare, who is best known for on social media as Ginimbi, say he will be buried with a pile of dollars,...
The recent death of Zimbabwean millionaire, Genius Kadungure popularly known as Ginimbi may have sparked reactions as regards the number of children he left behind. This...
It has been reported that a coffin was found in the apartment of late Zimbabwean affluent young man, Genius Kadungure, better known as Ginimbi, after his...
A South African based Pastor who is called by the name Wabuntu has said he never wish for Zimbabwean millionaire, Genius Kadungure (Ginimbi) to rest well...