In a tragic incident on Sunday evening, four people, including a child, lost their lives when a privately owned R44 helicopter collided with a radio tower...
A lady has been bitten to death by her dogs in Houston Texas. The deceased known as Tiffany L. Frangione was found dead in her garden...
In line with directives from the United States President Donald Trump administration, the deportation of undocumented migrants will begin after July 4. “We will be removing...
Houston Police Department in the US has arrested Dafe Sejebor, former group general manager of National Petroleum Investment Management Services (NAPIMS), over his alleged involvement in...
Read The Heart Touching Story Of How Woman Born Without Hands And Knees, With Seven Toes, Found Her Man The saying that everyone finds love may...
Residents of Houston Texas in USA are in devastating state due to recent hurricane which ravaged most parts of the city, leaving thousands of residents displaced....
U.S. President, Donald Trump will donate $1 million to the victims affected by the hurricane harvey, in Houston, USA. The White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders...