26-year-old comedian, identified as Iyanuloluwa Adejumobi, on Tuesday appeared before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos for allegedly raping a woman. Naija News understands that The...
A man, Kunle Bisi, has been dragged before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos State for allegedly stealing motor spare parts valued at N500,000. The defendant,...
I6-year Old Forced To Swallow Metal In Ifako, Ijaiye Lagos Two spiritualists have been arraigned before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court for allegedly forcing a 16-year-old housemaid...
Adebayo Akinbola, the staff of the chairman of the Mosan-Okunola Local Council Development Area (LCDA), was on Monday docked before an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court in Lagos....