Despite move by self-acclaimed Relationship expert, Joro Olumofin to sue Instagram influencer, Tunde Ednut, the later is not backing down. The present commotion started some months...
In a new twist to the ongoing battle between Joro Olumofin and Tunde Ednut, Olumofin has taken legal action against Tunde Ednut. For some time now,...
Joro Advocates Backup Boyfriends For Ladies Popular but controversial relationship expert and blogger, Joro Olumofin has explained why ladies need to have a ‘backup boyfriend’ in...
Joro Olumofin, Relationship expert and blogger, has recently shared an email a woman sent to him In the mail, the woman wrote that she prefers it...
Joro Urges Ladies To Ask For Things That Brings Difference To Their Life Popular relationship expert and blogger, Joro Olumofin, has stated his opinion on ladies...
Former fake Big Brother Naija housemate, Ese Eriata and Popular Instagram relationship blogger and consultant, Joro Olumofin have release stunning pre-wedding photos Joro’s fans/followers on Instagram are...