Winner of the Big Brother Titans Season 1 reality show, Makhosazane Twala, popularly known as Khosi, has reportedly been involved in a car accident a few...
The Big Brother Titans Season 1 reality show winner, Makhosazane Twala, who is also known as Khosi, has narrated the incident that made her believe in...
Khosi has emerged winner of the Big Brother Titans (BBTitans) reality TV show themed “Ziyakhala Wahala”. In the finale on Sunday night, Khosi defeated five other...
Only six housemates remain in the Big Brother Titans (BBTitans) reality show following the live eviction show on Sunday, March 26, 2023. The six remaining housemates...
Two housemates of the Big Brother Titans, Khosi and Yemi, have sparked reactions online after they were caught kissing. Naija News reports that this comes less...
A 25-year-old lady identified as Khosi has been unveiled as the first housemate of the special edition of the MultiChoice Nigeria entertainment series, Big Brother Titans...