Award-winning filmmaker, Kemi Adetiba has confirmed that the third part of her thriller King of Boys is being produced. The 42-year-old via her verified Instagram handle...
Chizzi Alichi and Zubby Michael have blown hot over the recently released King of Boys movie. Zubby seems to have an issue with the lead role...
Nigerian actress and broadcaster, Tope Olowoniyan has been named winner of the King of Boys Stay at Home Challenge, a movie which won several categories at...
The 2019 Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) took place in Lagos State on Sunday with Kemi Adetiba’s King of Boys emerging Nigeria’s best movie. Naija News...
The 2019 Africa Movie Academy Award nomination list has been released. The much-anticipated list which features films from across Africa, has ‘The Delivery Boy’ and ‘King...
‘Up North’, ‘Lionheart’, ‘King Of The Boys’ Billed For Screening In The US The Nollywood movies, ‘Up North’, ‘Lionheart’ and ‘King of Boys’ have been selected...