At least nine people have lost their lives, and four others sustained injuries in a deadly clash between villagers and Fulani settlers in Jigawa State, as...
In Sararai village, Jigawar Tsada town, within Dutse Local Government Area of Jigawa State, a 40-year-old tea vendor named Abdulrashibu Ya’u reportedly beat a 20-year-old man,...
At least fourteen people reportedly sustained degrees of injuries in a fatal road accident that happened over the weekend in Jigawa State. Naija News understands that...
A family in the Hadejia Local Government Area of Jigawa State have been thrown into mourning after some yet to be identified gang invaded a compound...
No fewer than twenty persons have reportedly burnt to death in a fatal road accident in Jigawa State. Naija News learnt that the fire engulfed after...
The Jigawa State Command of the Nigeria Police Force has revealed new methods adopted by criminal groups to get their victims. A statement signed and made...