Mike Edwards, a former contestant on the reality TV show Big Brother Naija and a two-time Nigerian high jump champion, achieved a remarkable victory in his...
Former Big Brother Naija Housemate, Mike Edwards has slammed ‘Shine Ya Eye’ Head of House (HOH), Pere, following his address last night. Naija News reports that...
Mike Edwards, Former BIg Brother Naija Housemate has welcomed a baby girl with his wife Perry. The couple welcomed the baby in the early hours of...
The Big Brother Naija reality show for 2019 ended on Sunday, nonetheless, there are lessons to take home for viewers in Nigeria. One of the housemates,...
The 2019 Big Brother Naija (#BBNaija) season 4 will on Sunday come to a conclusion with five housemates battling to emerge winner. Naija News reports that...
Jeff was on Sunday evicted from the Big Brother Naija Season 4 reality show. Naija News recalls that Tacha, Mike, Omatshola and Jeff were nominated for...
There might be more to the participation of Mike Edwards one of the contestants of the Pepper Dem Gang‘s episode of BBNaija show as more facts...