In an unexpected move, infamous bandit leader, Bello Turji has reportedly freed all individuals held captive by his group. The revelation was made on Tuesday by...
The Nigerian Armed Forces have dropped three places in the 2024 global military rankings, according to the latest report by Global Firepower. The new ranking places...
The Nigerian Armed Forces, on Thursday, retired 656 senior non-commissioned officers (SNCOs) after 35 years of dedicated service to the nation. The disengagement ceremony, held at...
The Armed Forces of Nigeria have successfully thwarted an oil theft operation worth ₦846 million in the South-South region. According to a statement from Director of...
The United Kingdom has strengthened Nigeria’s military capabilities by donating a state-of-the-art counter-insurgency training facility to the Nigerian Armed Forces. The facility, situated in Ogun State,...
The Ministry of Defence has officially transferred 20 newly acquired Armored Personnel Carriers to the Defence Headquarters in order to improve the professional capabilities of Nigerian...
Security agencies have placed surveillance on controversial Islamic cleric, Ahmed Gumi and two former governors over their alleged involvement in terrorism A source that spoke with...
Former Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Azubuike Ihejirika has revealed what prompted him to join the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). According to the former security...
The Defence Headquarters has reacted to the warning issued by the United States of America over the invasion of the Al-Qaeda into Nigeria. The Defence Headquarters...
The Minister of Defence, Maj.-Gen. Bashir Magashi (Rtd), has promised to influence the federal government to improve on the welfare of officers and soldiers of Nigerian...
Nigeria‘s Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has urged men of the Nigerian Armed Forces (NAF) to continue to operate at the highest level of Diligence Naija News...