Renowned Nigerian comedian, Seyi Law, has announced the resolution of his long-standing feud with media personality, Noble Igwe. The discord, which had captivated the attention of...
Nigerian comedian, Seyi Law, has vowed not to forgive his colleague, Noble Igwe over a past incident. Seyi Law claimed that Igwe insulted his wife and...
Popular media personality, Noble Igwe has queried the attitude of Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie following a recent video of his colleague cum second wife, Judy Austin...
Nigerian blogger, Noble Igwe, on Sunday condemned society for not questioning people’s source of wealth. According to Igwe, the decision of people not to question the...
Nigerian hip hop recording artist and YBNL boss, Olamide Adedeji, better known as Olamide Badoo sets to do a song with David Adeleke (Davido), Naija News...
Nigerian blogger, Noble Igwe has encouraged former housemates in the recently concluded season of the Big Brother Naija reality show, Laycon and Vee to do a...
Yesterday, Noble Igwe, founder of 360nobs, and his wife Chioma celebrated their third wedding anniversary. Igwe has therefore taken to social media and narrate an interesting...
Big Brother Naija 2018 ex-housemate Ahneeka has replied the heartless tweets from people about her hygiene in the house especially from media personality Noble Igwe, the...
Igwe was born and raised in Aba, Abia State, where he finished his early schooling years at National High School Aba, St Augustine’s Anglican Seminary Nbawsi, ...