A renowned Hausa musician, Dauda Kahutu Rarara, better known simply as Rarara, has expressed his unwavering support for President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, despite facing criticism. Naija...
Hajiya Hauwa’u Adamu, the mother of the renowned Hausa musician and former President Muhammadu Buhari’s praise singer, Dauda Adamu, also known as Rarara, has been freed...
Abductors of Hajiya Hauwa’u Adamu, mother of the famous Hausa singer, Dauda Adamu, popularly known as Rarara, are reportedly demanding a ransom of N900 million for...
The Katsina State Police Command has confirmed the kidnap of the mother of the popular singer, Dauda Kahutu, aka Rarara, by suspected bandits. The Police, in...
Gunmen suspected to be bandits have reportedly kidnapped Hajiya Halima Adamu, the mother of the renowned Hausa Singer Dauda Adamu, also known as Rarara. Naija News...
Kannywood music stars reportedly visited former President Muhammadu Buhari in Daura, his home town in Katsina State. The musicians under the aegis of One Voice Association,...
Political praise singer, Dauda Kahutu also known as Rarara, who became popular for singing praise songs in favour of President Muhammadu Buhari has denied planning to...
Muhammadu Buhari’s praise singer, Dauda Kahutu popularly known as Rarara has disclosed that it is an insult to say he has so far received N70m in...