Renowned Nigerian clergyman, Pastor David Ibiyeomie has threatened to get anyone who insults him arrested and locked up in prison, Naija News reports. The founder and...
The Presiding Pastor of Salvation Ministries, David Ibiyeomie, has built and handed over the Banham Methodist Academy, a two-storeyed building sited at the church premises, to...
The General Overseer of Salvation Ministry, David Ibiyeomie, on Thursday, revealed the power of the mind and how it is capable of getting the man out...
The founder of Free The Sheeple, an online Church, Ifedayo Olarinde, who is popularly known as Daddy Freeze has called for the arrest of Pastor David...
The Senior Pastor of Salvation Ministries, Pastor David Ibiyomie, says he doesn’t believe there is Coronavirus in Nigeria, adding that Nigerians are suffering from malaria and...
Social Media critic and founder of Free Nation, Daddy Freeze has attacked the Senior Pastor, Salvation Ministries, David Ibiyeomie over his recent prophecy that enemies of...