Tension engulfed the Igueomo community along the Benin-Agbor Road following a tragic incident where a stray bullet, allegedly fired by police officers, resulted in the death...
President Muhammadu Buhari has been dragged into an unhealthy conversation on social media. This came after a netizen identified as Musbau Nasir Rimi called former presidential...
Parents of a seven-month-old child reportedly shot by men of the Nigerian Police Force in Benue State, have cried out over neglect. The said infant, Naidoo...
It has been reported that Nzete Patrick, a 500-level student of Electrical Engineering of the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) is dead. According to the report monitored...
A student has been reportedly killed by a stray bullet fired by men of the Nigeria Customs Service, Ogun State Command 1 while pursuing rice smugglers....
A stray bullet from a yet to be identified police officer has killed in Shogunle area of Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial city. Naija News learned that the...