At least four individuals reportedly lost their lives following an incident in which a trailer plunged into a ditch along the old Oyo-Ogbomosho Road. Reports revealed...
A woman, whose identity is yet to be verified, tragically lost her life when a container fell from a trailer at the heavily trafficked Eze-Iweka area...
On Wednesday evening, a tragic vehicle accident in Bauchi State reportedly claimed eighteen lives. Reports reaching Naija News on Thursday morning revealed that 18 people were...
Commuters were forced to trek a long distance in the Ikorodu area of Lagos State on Friday after a trailer crushed four persons to death. Reports...
According to the report confirmed to newsmen by the Lagos State Traffic Management, the horrible incident happened at about 7 am on Tuesday, August 4.
A truck carrying two 20ft containers, on Monday, fell and damaged a Toyota Corolla car on the Orile-Apapa bridge in Lagos. Naija News reports that the...