Renowned internet fraudster, Ramon Abbas who is better known as Hushpuppi, has appealed for leniency in his pending sentence before a US court judge using services...
Top Criminal lawyer, Gal Pissetzky, a senior partner at Chicago law firm Pissetzky & Berliner, hired by Hushpuppi, to help extricate him from multi-million dollar fraud...
Dubai has launched a cyber index to promote online safety standards in the city following the arrest o Naija News reports that the Crown Prince of...
Top Chicago lawyer, Gal Pissetzky, a senior partner at Chicago law firm Pissetzky & Berliner, hired by Hushpuppi, to help extricate him from multi-million dollar fraud...
Forbes, an American business magazine, has given cybercrime suspect, Ramon Abbas, better known as Hushpuppi a new name while in US prison. Naija News reports that...
Cybercrime suspect, Ramon Abbas, better known as Hushpuppi has reportedly contracted the deadly Coronavirus in US prison. Naija News reports that the news of Hushpuppi testing...