Renowned Kaduna-based Islamic scholar, Sheikh Ahmed Gumi and Pastor Yohanna Buru were both at the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement (Christ the King Cathedral) in Kaduna State...
A Kaduna State-based Church has extended love to the Muslim community in the state as worshippers commenced the yearly 30-day Ramadan fasting and prayer period. On...
A group of Nigerian Muslim scholars have reacted to the demise of the Catholic Church’s cleric, Pope Benedict XVI. Naija News had reported earlier that the...
Nigerian singer and music producer, David Adeleke, better known as Davido, has been called upon to extend his donation to the Northern part of the country....
The Christ Evangelical Intercessory and Life Intervention Ministry, a Church located in Sabon Tasha, Kaduna state on Wednesday, April 22 extended their love to Muslims in...
See How Over 500 Muslims Celebrate Christmas At Minister’s House At least 500 Muslim faithful in Kaduna State today visited the residence of Yohanna Buru, general...