Everything There is to Know About Sylvester Stallone’s Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery seems to be the norm for Hollywood celebrities and iconic actor Sylvester Stallone are among the growing number of people who have gone under the knife. The downside of plastic surgery is that the outcome is very uncertain, it can go both ways, either you look better or you end up looking like something fleshy of chicken.
Unlike some celebrities who chose to deny their appearance, Stallone confessed to having had some cosmetic facial transformations. In his defense, he claimed to have done so due to nerve damage he suffered as a result of the surgery performed on his mother when she gave birth. Stallone said the damage resulted in giving him a sagging look on the left side of his face and a rather crooked mouth. Thus, the Rambo actor claims that he underwent facial surgery to correct this mistake.
However, before and after footage reveals that the star didn’t just have the left side of his face under the knife, he was also touching other parts of his face. Where exactly and through what kinds of procedures has Stallone been subjected?
Sylvester Stallone Plastic Surgery: The Forehead Lift
One notable area of Stallone’s face that has changed is his forehead. The before and after photos of the star clearly reveal a change in front. So far, he seemed to have slightly raised eyebrows, which was one of the facial features that looked good on him, and he obviously didn’t want to lose that. but unfortunately the eyebrows turned out to be excessively raised. On the plus side, the procedure helped remove some forehead wrinkles the star had on her forehead.
Sylvester Stallone Plastic Surgery: The Facelift
Stallone confessed that he had a face lift on the left side of his face. What he forgot to mention was that he also had a facelift. He is currently 69 years old, but he seems to have very few wrinkles compared to those of the same age as him.
Sylvester Stallone Plastic Surgery: The Botox Injection
Botox: Many celebrities have noticed injections that have helped get rid of laugh lines while making them look smiley. The Botox injection helped remove other wrinkles from Stallone’s face. It could also be responsible for raising the upper lip.
Sylvester Stallone Plastic Surgery: The Jawline Transformation
Recent photos reveal the star’s jaw line is tighter than a few years ago, plus there appear to be fewer wrinkles around her jawline. This transformation strongly suggests that he underwent a jawline transformation procedure.