What exactly is Project Blue Beam (Serge Monast’s conspiracy theory)?
The end of World War II saw the increase in activity of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) moving across the sky at great speed the interest of some scientists and prompted the collection, analysis and study of data information and evidence as they happened. These sightings were recorded to be approximately 12,612 beginning in 1947 when the first UFO was sighted and reported by Kenneth Arnold, a civilian pilot and businessman. He reported seeing nine objects flying bright blue and white at a speed of 1700 meters per hour towards Mount Rainier in Washington.
At least two committees were formed for this course; In order to provide explanations and demystify the flying objects, most of their conclusions were based on man-made events leading to activities in the atmosphere, to which they offered scientific explanations for some time, while a large number of the UFO appearances are still not through these could be explained to committees that have left a number of people dissatisfied if not perplexed. Because of this, Serge Monast began to speak and heard his voice.
Who was Serge Monast?
One of the loudest speakers sounding the alarm of these UFO activities was a Quebec Canadian, Serge Monast, a writer and investigative journalist born in 1945. He was the founder of the International Free Press Agency (AIPL). l’Agence Internationale de Presse libre ), where he published most of his work on these subjects.
In 1994, after years of study and research, Serge came up with four step-based theories in which he claimed that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), with the help of the United Nations, planned to use mind-control mechanisms to guide people to a new To force religion in a new world order. He is also credited with writing over 15 articles and books. Serge gained some notoriety when he began publishing interviews with esotericist and ufologist Richard Glenn on his TV show Ésotérisme Expérimental from 1995 to 1996.
Serge Monast died at his home in December 1996 as a result of a heart attack the day after his arrest and detention. His followers believe he was assassinated with psychotronic weapons by NASA for exposing so much of their activities. Despite this, some copies of his work are still circulating on the internet, and a few people are buying his results.
What exactly is Project Blue Beam?
Project Blue Beam was the conspiracy theory, carefully documented after years of research by Serge Monast. It was a four-step operation created by the government to take control of people’s minds and then transport them to a new world order using sophisticated devices that would be projected into the sky and broadcast simultaneously and to introduce religion after it has been shot into the sky, giving the pictorial representation of all religions and merging all their images as one in the sky, thereby deceiving people into believing that their God is with them all in their own languages has spoken, whereby they are brought in by the anti-Christ.
The steps and theories are documented below as:
- Step 1 Conspiracy Theory:
The manufacture of Sophisticated top secret weapons that trigger earthquakes in specific and strategic locations around the world and bring to light the various religious artifacts. They give the false belief that all teachings have been misconstrued and misunderstood. This phase is said to have been carried out in 2012. The earth recorded an amazing 39 earthquakes of great magnitude that shook every corner of the world and puzzled scientists who had no clear explanations of how they were happening in space. that they had the skeletal remains of Jesus only lend credibility to this theory.
- Step 2 Conspiracy Theory:
Serge Monast said there would be a conspiracy to create gigantic space shows using three-dimensional optical holograms and laser projections to create effects. Have the images of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha and Krishna appear in the four different parts of the universe and allow the images to merge into one – the Anti-christ, who then begins to give explanations that explain the teachings and principles of the discredit various religious groups with evidence.
The activities of NASA and the projections of rays have increased with massive sightings of holograms in the sky around the world. We don’t yet know if we need to worry about these events.
- Step 3 Conspiracy Theory:
This stage, he said, would involve the use of waves to create a telephone program that could be used to judge people’s opinion that their God spoke to them. The US is said to have started research into telepathy, which involves transmitting information/communication through neural signals from one person to another without vocalizing what is being communicated. This experiment has already been performed on monkeys whose limbs were controlled via telepathy, with remarkable results. So this claim might not be far-fetched after all.
- Step 4 and final conspiracy theory:
This final stage, as suggested by Serge Monast, would involve the use of various technologies that would create the impression in people’s minds that an alien invasion was already taking place on other planets and that the rapture was about to take place. This would disrupt normal peaceful coexistence on Earth and lead to a world of chaos and distrust. These means would give the Anti-Christ a firm foothold in the consciousness of the world population.
Although this claim cannot be quickly substantiated, there have been mysterious apparitions of sightings and inscriptions in the sky, images shaded on windows or on babies (I’m sure you’ve come across posts like this going viral of babies that have religious verses written on them were enrolled, and hours later they would be pronounced dead).
Is there any truth in Serge Monast’s conspiracy theory?
Can NASA be considered an insider tip? Are you making preparations to carry out all these claims regarding the blue beam project as stated by Serge Monast, or was this an illusion in Serge and the other theorists? This insane question can only be partially answered. we patiently wait for it to unfold.
What will NASA accomplish if any of these claims from Project Blue Ray turn out to be true? What could NASA possibly be hiding behind its frequent visits to other planets? What would the New Age religion do for them? Incidentally, New Age religion represents an eclecticism, a system that unites all religious beliefs, old and new, as a common belief that governs the entire universe as one.
The persistent and consistent denial of government claims of UFOs, hologram sightings and other suspicious activity at NASA, their inability to publicly disclose their investigations and findings in their entirety, and their body language regarding the disappearance of the two children of Serge Monast and his subsequent death on December 5, 1996 under suspicious circumstances only indicate that they know much more than we do, and perhaps Serge knew as much as they did, which could give reasons for his sudden death. We can only keep our fingers crossed and watch as things play out by themselves and hope that we don’t get swallowed up when the events predicted in Project Blue Beam change